Introduction is a social media website powered by BookWyrm. On these pages you'll find documentation, help and tips on how to get best out of it.
Last updated is a social media website powered by BookWyrm. On these pages you'll find documentation, help and tips on how to get best out of it.
Last updated
Glad you're here! is a generic Bookwyrm instance which aims to healthy interactions in social media. The instance is based in US, but Internet has no boundaries. This instance has no barriers based on location or language, we are welcoming you as you are.
The meaning of this documentation is not only help, but to increase transparency and openness of the instance, so that you know best possible amount of the service you are using. This hopefully gives the you, as the beloved user, more peace of mind.
To get started you first need an account. I'm assuming you have one already since you're here, but if not, you can register yours on the sign up page. Before this you may want to know more about the server, Bookwyrm and rules. So please continue reading!